A comprehensive map guide in Apex Legends

Apex Legends has captivated players worldwide with its dynamic gameplay, character diversity, and, notably, its range of complex battlegrounds. Each map offers unique environments, strategies, and challenges. Read a guide to all the maps in Apex Legends

Kings Canyon: the original arena

As the first map introduced in Apex Legends, Kings Canyon features a diverse landscape from lush forests and sandy deserts to industrial complexes. The map is notorious for its hotspots like Skull Town and Bunker. Players must navigate this varied terrain skillfully, utilizing its numerous hiding spots and ambush points. The key to mastering Kings Canyon lies in understanding its verticality and using it to outmaneuver opponents.

World’s Edge: fiery frost

World’s Edge blends molten lava and icy landscapes, creating a stark contrast that affects gameplay. Locations like The Epicenter provide icy hazards, while The Thermal Station offers fiery pits. This map requires players to adapt to environmental dangers while engaging with enemies. The introduction of the train adds a dynamic element, allowing for fast movement across the map and a moving combat zone.

Olympus: city in the clouds

Set in a floating city, Olympus offers a clean, futuristic aesthetic with open spaces and high mobility. Its unique feature, the Trident vehicles, enables squads to cover ground quickly or escape battles in haste. Key areas like The Estates are popular for high-tier loot but come with the risk of heavy early game combat. Players need to leverage Olympus’s open landscapes for long-range engagements and utilize interiors for close-quarter battles.

Storm Point: island survival

The newest addition, Storm Point, is set on a beautiful but dangerous tropical island. This introduces PvE elements with prowlers and spiders, offering both risks and rewards—defeating these creatures provides valuable loot. Key strategies involve using the natural terrain for ambushes and staying alert to the threats posed by both the environment and other players.

Ranked rotation and limited-time maps

Apex Legends also features a rotating ranked and limitied-time map for specific events. These maps, like the night version of Kings Canyon or the winter-themed World’s Edge, require players to adapt their strategies according to the temporary conditions and unique challenges presented.

The diverse maps of Apex Legends offer a rich playground for strategic gameplay and thrilling combat. Each one not only tests your shooting skills but also your ability to adapt and strategize based on the environment and its unique features.